Data Warehouse
The Lodestar Data Warehouse is your core reporting foundation and base platform for launching and managing your key business intelligence initiatives.
Lodestar Software Solutions
Your back-end production transaction system is designed for maximum storage ability and efficient data retrieval. As such, the data is maintained in complex table structures, using cryptic naming conventions and adhering to strict normalization procedures. To effectively use this data to meet your business objectives, it needs to be streamlined into a simpler, more accessible format.The Lodestar Data Warehouse functions by extracting data from your production transaction system, manipulating the structure according to your pre-set business rules, then reloading the data into a group of core tables, while still maintaining the integrity of your raw data. By applying simple table structures, standard business naming conventions and denormalization procedures, Lodestar Data Store transforms your data into a format that is more appropriate for use in regular reporting applications or business intelligence initiatives. The resultant data can be queried to run daily reports or perform in-depth analysis with ease, giving you greater insight into your business and helping you work towards profitability.
Lodestar also offers implementation and management services for new Business Intelligence installations, providing complete start-to-finish professional services for your organization.
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- Great documentation - good for new or legacy users
- Professional support - we love what we do and who we do it for
- Many header- / footer-layouts and loads of easy-to-use modules
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